Recordings of the New Testament Scriptures are available free of charge to Guatemalan churches as part of the “Faith Comes By Hearing” program. For information on how to become involved, contact Viña or the Guatemalan Bible Society. Sets of the dramatized audio New Testaments are also available for purchase; Contact Viña or the Guatemalan Bible Society for formats, pricing and availability.
Scriptures recorded for the FCBH program are available in the following indigenous Mayan languages:
Narrated audio versions
(one or two voices, some music as bridges/transitions.)
- Achi, Cubulco (ACC)
- Chuj (CNM): San Mateo Ixtatan
- Mam, (MMS): San Juan Ostuncalco
- Tzutujil, Eastern (TZJ): Santiago Atitlan
- Tzutujil, Western (TZT) : San Pedro La Laguna
Dramatized audio versions
(multiple voices, sound effects and music.)
- Achi, Rabinal (ACR) (Available late ’08)
- Aguacateco (AGU) (multiple voices only)
- Cakchiquel, Western (CKW): Sololá
- Cakchiquel, Central (CAK): Patzun & Chimaltenango areas
- Cakchiquel, Southwestern (CBM): San Pedro Yepocapa
- Cakchiquel, (CKI) Santa María de Jesus
- Chuj, (CNM); San Mateo Ixtatán (Available ’08)
- Chuj (CAC): San Sebastian Coatan
- Chorti (CAA)
- Ixil, (IXL) San Juan Cotzal
- Ixil, (IXI) Nebaj (Available ’09)
- Mam, Central (MVC): Comitancillo
- Mam, Northern (MAM): Huehuetenango area
- Mam, (MVJ): Todo Santos
- Kekchí (KEK)
- Garifuna (CAB)
- Jacalteco, Eastern (JAC)
- Jacalteco, Western (JAI) Available soon
- Kanjobal, Western, (KNJ) [Now called Akateko]
- Kanjobal, Eastern (KJB)
- Quiche, West Central (QUT)
- Quiche, Joyabaj (QUJ) (Available ’09)
- Uspanteco (USP)
Individual Book Sets:
Psalms and Proverbs
- Chuj (CAC): San Sebastian Coatan
- Kanjobal, Eastern (KJB)
- Mam, (MVJ): Todo Santos
View language maps:

For more information on participating in the Scripture listening program, or for orders, contact the Guatemalan Bible Society 011-502-360-3376, visit or write
For information on languages available worldwide:
For purchase in North America, contact Hosanna:1-800-545-6552 - 505-881-3321 -